29 Oct 2022
Some of you will be happy to hear that I have decided to revive our beloved Meditation Circle. I took a bit of a break and I needed some convincing to start it up again ;)
The meditation circle was born during the first lock down as a safe space where peoplecould drop in whenever they needed to without too much structure or commitment. Again it will be twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, at 8am GMT. It is not going to be a course. I might give some basic explanations, depending on who is taking part. The sessions will vary. I might fully guide or I could just introduce a pranayama, set a beginning and an end or teach some easy stretches. I will listen to your requests and shape the practice to suit our needs.
Just like my nidra sessions, I'm not going to set a charge for this. I'm going to leave it donations based. You give what you can, when you can.
My goal is to create a space where people can connect both with themselves and others; a safe harbour that anyone can use to find peace, to feel part of a community or simply as an incentive to meditate. Everyone is welcome!
Please get in touch for more info and for the Zoom link