26 Feb 2023
This past month has been very eventful for me. Not everything has been positive and I feel both emotionally drained and excited about what is to come. This is typical me... always coming up with wacky ideas and getting exhausted as a result... February is almost already over and because it is a short month our Yoga Nidra for Sleep meet will fall on March 1st.
This can be a tricky time of the year. Nature teases us with slightly longer days and more light and the media announced the arrival of Spring weeks ago... it is snowing in certain parts of Europe at the moment and the temperatures are still up and down. Although we might feel some energy bubbling beneath the surface, we mustn't rush out of the torpor of Winter. This is the perfect time to nourish our roots and the intentions we have seeded during the colder season. If we look at nature, we can see that seedlings appear cautiously, peeping their heads out first and slowly growing and developing over the next few months. Nature teaches us that we need to be patient, dose our resources and embrace the rising yang energy with equanimity.
Taking time to meditate or to simply rest is always very important, but even more so at times of transition. So join me for 30min of a deeply soothing night-time guided meditation that will help you to sleep better, recharge your batteries and refocus your mind.
I'm experimenting with a new time because a few people feel that 9:30pm is a bit too late. Unfortunately I'm a bit of a night owl and selflishly assumed that people were still wide awake at that time. This is why I really appreciate all your comments and suggestions. Keep sending! Your insight is paramount.
Yoga Nidra for Sleep
Wed 1st of March
Online (please get in touch for the Zoom link)
Suggested donation £5